24 April 2019

XIII Jornadas de Sociología UBA

En agosto 2019 se desarrollarán las XIII Jornadas de Sociología de la UBA.

Lxs invitamos a participar en dos mesas vinculadas a RedISS:

Mesa 50: Sociología de los Cuerpos y las Emociones.

Mesa 85: Políticas Sociales y Sociedad: lecturas sociológicas


06 April 2019

Presentación de libro "Prácticas chamánicas y teatralidad: una experiencia epidémica, etnográfica e intercultural"

Digital Labour, Society and the Politics of Sensibilities (2019)

This volume provides a multidisciplinary perspective on a set of transformations in social practices that modify the meaning of everyday interactions, and especially those that affect the world of labour. The book is composed of two types of texts: some dedicated to exploring the modifications of labour in the context of the ‘digital age’, and others that point out the consequences of this era and those transformations in the current social structuration processes. The authors examine interwoven possibilities and limitations that act in renewed ways to release/repress the creative energy of human beings, just a few of the potential paths for investigating the connections between work and society that are nowadays involved in the battle of sensibilities.

Editors: Scribano, Adrian, Lisdero, Pedro (Eds.)

Red Internacional de Sociología de las Sensibilidades

What is RedISS?
