19 May 2021



Given the success of the CALL and at the request of colleagues and friends, we extend the deadline for abstract submission.

“Trust, Crisis and Social Sciences” 

June 23, 24 and 25, 2021 


Deadline for the abstract: May 30.
Abstracts of up to 300 words will be received and they can be in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese. It must be uploaded through the following link: https://forms.gle/N1TXXRLuNuu2pnxd8

Note to speakers:

- Plan on 15 minutes for your talk.
- We will ask to use a PowerPoint in English to facilitate everyone's understanding. 

        For more information: redsensibilidades@gmail.com 

RedISS Congress is virtual and free.

Red Internacional de SociologĂ­a de las Sensibilidades

What is RedISS?
